Wednesday, December 2, 2015

12 Days of Christmas (On a Budget!)

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I think most of us know the classic Christmas song, "Twelve Days of Christmas". It's repetitive, catchy, and admittedly a little annoying. (^_^;) That being said, I love the phrase "My true love gave to me". Inspired by it, I thought it would be fun to come up with a "12 Days of Christmas" event that you can do for someone that you love. I'll be doing it for my husband Israel! ♡

So the actual 12 Days of Christmas are supposed to start on December 25th. and go till January 5th, twelve days after Christmas. I'm going to start twelve days before Christmas (Dec.13th) to sort of help build up the excitement for Christmas day, but you can do it whenever you'd like! ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧

Israel and I are dirt poor. He's a full time student, I work a part-time job at a cute little Greek restaurant, and we currently live with my parents since we can't afford our own place at the moment. Basically all of the money we make is going into school and savings, especially since we plan on moving to Idaho next year for Israel's bachelors degree. This time of year we put some money aside for presents and such, but even then we don't have much to spare. So, in order to do the 12 Days of Christmas without breaking the bank, I've come up with some inexpensive gift ideas for my sweet lover. You can do what I'm doing, or come up with some of your own according to what you can afford and what your loved one likes.

12 Days of Christmas

Day 1: 12 Days of Christmas Introduction letter + Sweater with pocket
I did this last year for a few relatives/friends and Israel LOVED it. He was super bummed I didn't make one for him too. Go to Walmart, get one of their basic, comfy sweaters for about $5-8 and then get some small piece of scrap fabric big enough to be a cute little pocket. Cut and sew the pocket, and then sew it on to the sweater and BAM! Adorable, simple, and cozy sweater that I think we all deserve to have. With it, I'm going to give him a letter just letting him know that I love him and that he's become the victim of my 12 Days of Christmas gift event.

Day 2: Two Warm Towels
This one costs nothing, unless you want to go out and buy two brand new towels which is not a bad idea. Basically all it is, is you prepare two clean, warm towels from the dryer for your loved one before or while they're showering. As soon as they're finished showering, have the fresh, warm towels ready. It's easy, but meaningful and a nice way to start their day.

Day 3: Take Three of Their Chores
Another one that doesn't cost a dime, but also shows lots of love through service. Is it their day to do dishes? Do it for them! I'll be picking three of Israel's chores and doing it for him to give him a little bit of relaxation for the day. ♡

Day 4: Breakfast in Bed - Four Crepes
Israel and I loveeee crepes! They're probably my favorite breakfast food and they're kind of special to us since a lot of our dates will include eating at this cute crepe/frozen yogurt place at our favorite mall. For the fourth day, I'm going to get up a little bit earlier (probably with Xavi) and prepare some breakfast in bed for him! The recipe I'll be using is absolutely delicious and easy! ( ˘▽˘)

Day 5: Five Yummy Treats

Everyone loves snacks and candies and so you really can't go wrong when gifting it! I'm going to pick five super yummy and cute snacks and then wrap them all Christmas-y for him! Some things I'll include are Chocolate and Strawberry Pocky, Taro Mochi (we love to eat it frozen), Milk Chocolate Covered Almonds (They're Israel's favorite!), and Hi-Chew!

Day 6: Six Part Family Date
Day 6 is on a Friday, so I won't be working that day and we'll have some flexibility to go somewhere! My plan for the sixth day is to take Israel and Xavi to six different places. If the weather is nice, we'll go somewhere pretty like the LDS Temple for a picnic. Then we'll go to a park and play soccer. After that we can go and get a little treat, like an ice cream cone from McDonalds! (๑♡⌓♡๑) I'm not sure what we'll do for the next two parts yet because I'm pretty sure Xavi will fall asleep in the car at this point but I'll figure it out! And we'll end the six-part date by picking up a movie from Redbox and watching it together at home. ♡

Day 7: Game Night
So the seventh day doesn't really have anything to do with the number seven, but it's something that I've been wanting to do with Israel for a while now! I plan to wake up really early with Xavi that day and get his nap in earlier in the day so that he'll go to bed at an early time. Maybe I won't even let him nap haha! Once the baby is asleep, Israel and I are going to have a game night together! I'll let him pick the game, whether he wants Mario Kart or some other video game, a card game, or board game. Whatever he decides to pick, I'm "game" ( ̄ω ̄;) heh-heh..

Day 8: Eight Love Letters
I love romantic love letters! ♡ฅ(ᐤˊ꒳ฅˋᐤ♪) Now and days, the art of writing a letter is practically lost and that makes me so sad. There is just something so special about a hand-written, personal letter. While sweet texts are nice, they don't have the originality or amount of compassion that you can really feel when reading a letter than you can physically touch and hold in your hands. So for the eighth day, I'm going to write eight different love letters for Israel, each with a piece of chocolate, and then scatter them around the house for him to find at different times of the day.

Day 9: Nine Minute Massage
This is another easy one but I think it's something that most people would appreciate! I'll give Israel a nine minute massage or back scratch, he can decide. And afterwards I'll prepare a hot, bubbly bath for him. Everyone deserves a little pampering! ♡✧( ु•⌄• )

Day 10: Brownies!
Amazingly simple! Yet so pleasing! A cheap boxed brownie mix can be super delicious, and I love to add powdered sugar on my freshly baked brownies to make them a little prettier. And come on, who doesn't love brownies? ♡♡♡

Day 11: Eleven Page Coupon Book
Coupon books can be so fun and handy! I'm going to make a pretty little coupon book that can fit into his wallet. You can put whatever you'd like in it that you think your special someone will enjoy, but some things I will include are: "Get the Morning to Sleep In", "30 Minutes of Undivided Attention", "Meal of Your Choice", and "Cuddles".

Day 12: 2015 Photo Book
For the last day, I will be gifting Israel a 2015 photo book of our family. This is the one I'm most excited for and will be saving for Christmas-Eve. There's a few places you can do it like Walmart, Walgreens, and Costco. Photo books are a beautiful way to preserve memories and it's more personal than just a simple photo album on Facebook.

Thanks so much for reading everyone! I hope my 12 Days of Christmas inspires you to do something special for those that you love. If you have any of your own suggestions or ideas that you'll be doing, comment below! Happy Holidays cuties!! (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡

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